About six years ago, the TechCrunch team launched CrunchBase to make information about technology startups available to everyone.  Since then, a community of over 90k contributors has profiled 105k companies and 140k people.  With the help of this community, CrunchBase is now a tremendously valuable resource for entrepreneurs, investors, journalists, recruiters, job seekers, and everyone in-between.  We host over 1.5MM monthly visitors, and this audience continues to grow.

Today, we are launching (or, as long-time fans may point out, re-launching), the CrunchBase Blog to highlight both interesting discoveries pulled from the data and developers who are building great things using the CrunchBase API.  We also want to use this blog as a place to talk about our ideas for making CrunchBase an even more valuable resource for the technology community.

Please stay tuned for more in the coming weeks.  You can follow us on TwitterFacebook, or right here.

-The CrunchBase team

Matt, Gene, Vineet, Anthony, and Kurt

  • Originally published February 11, 2013, updated April 26, 2023